I never thought I would miss the diet food but wow I did. As soon as I started healthy eating again my energy levels rose and my heart burn left lol. It is amazing what a difference you feel depending on what you ram into your mouth. Don't get me wrong! I ain't perfect! No one is. Had to shove a piece of millionaires short bread in my gob yesterday. Ah well, its far better than it was.
This is my key to weight loss. I am pretty sure for me this is it. This week started with going back to Zumba on Thursday night. Dear me though, I never thought I would of got that out of shape in 3 months. I am a sweaty person. When I exercise I am one of those that the sweat runs off me, drips off me, infact runs off me like a river ha-ha I am sure you get the point! I came out of Zumba looking like I had just came out the shower but it was ace and pumped me up to do more!.
Saturday I went out for a walk. Walked just over 4 miles and burned 450 calories. In the afternoon I then cycled 4.5 miles and burned off 167 calories!! I will be walking now whenever I can. I was shocked as I had thought it would of been similar. Sunday I stood ironing for hours, wonder how much that burns? Monday I went to a new Zumba class in a small local village hall. It was good and will go back this week. Tuesday, I went out for a walk in the morning about the school run time and then went for a walk with my friend in the evening, We did just under 7 miles in just under 2 hours. We were chuffed! All good practice for the Moonwalk next year.

pounds this week! I imagine it will settle to a normal loss again. Still have 5 to lose till I am back to where
I was before!