Sunday, 28 November 2021

Week ending 28/11/21 Health and High winds!

 Weekly update Blogs

So my new intention is to keep my blog updated with weekly updates.

After Kelly needed to read a blog and see what my thyroid symptoms were way back in 2010,

it made me realise I miss Blogging. So to start I plan a weekly update on what's happened in my

week/ fortnight/ Month. ( whenever I blog)

For this past while I was struggling with menopausal symptoms. I never went to the gp as I

decided long ago that I wanted to try and get through the menopause without HRT. I am in

no way against HRT and if I need it, I will take it BUT I wanted to see what the carry on was

so I did some research.

This past while, the sweats and night sweats have gotten mental. I feel like I am in the

Karate Kid but instead of wax on wax off its cover on cover off! I have always been a good

sleeper but even though I have felt more and more exhausted, never refreshed, my get up

and go got up and ran away with my vavavoom!. I already take Sage daily as I read years

ago that it helps, I still take it even though I am sweating, my reasoning being how bad

would I be without it? Lots of sources online big up the B vitamins so I had ordered some.

I had a lightbulb moment a few weeks ago at work when a patient was in, aged the same as mine, and she was in for lots of blood as her symptoms were the same/similar  to mine.

  So I decided to maybe write down all mine and send them as an econsult to the Doctor.

Here is what I discussed..

Was I menopausal? I have no idea because of the coil, sweats and night sweats are mental.

Palpitations were really bad but I have come off most caffeine. Lack of interest in sex.

I had started sage and bought vit B's

My friend gave me a stick to try! Meant to say if you are in the menopause 

BUT could I be Diabetic? that can be linked to sweating and I know I often take hypos and can

function with a BM of 2.3mmols! I have a BMI that makes me obese and my dad is a diet

controlled Diabetic!

OR could it be my iron levels? Years ago I went folate deficient and had to take a 3 month

course of medications. I have been tired and do get short of breath but that could be linked

to menopause and being overweight!

Anyways I bit the bullet, sent in the econsult and that day I got a reply for a phone call

appointment for the gp. I explained all the above to her and she agreed to a full blood screen.

That was done this week. 2 days later a text from the GP to call them! 

B12 level is low so a 3 month course of medication! 

So I have since done some more research and I am cranking up to better menopause supplements.

See if they help and if they don't I will happily take HRT.

Also along with that I have decided to increase my meat and milk intake, I had been going mostly

vegetarian with Mike for ease of making 1 supper but my own health has to come first for me

so I will add in 4 meat meals for me and still have a few vegetarian ones.

Met my friend's new puppy this week, a super cute wee Patterdale Terrier called Angus.

Bought a new Tourniquet for work as the one my daughter got me to start my job had almost given up on the elastic front but I liked it so much I bought the same one!

ALSO got my first mammogram this week! I had it in my mind it was going to be horrifically

painful but it wasn't bad at all. Results in a few weeks.

Storm Arwen hit on Friday and it was crazy weather. Came home to find a part of the

conservatory roof had blown in! Luckily in and not out and away from that would have been awful.

Mike, Marcus and I managed to get it sorted up and then Saturday saw me have to do a massive

deep clean of the room as the wind and rain had made a major mess.

Quite an eventful week for a blog post ! 

Monday, 15 November 2021

Re-focus and re-start

 Hello! It’s been a while eh??

I miss blogging. I realised that last week when I pointed my daughter to it as she wanted info on how I felt when my thyroid went. I pointed her to my blog and voilà! I had written an in-depth post on it detailing more than I could remember. Very handy. 

Well let’s have a wee recap

I wanted to be fit at 50 —— FAIL

I wanted to be slim for 50——-FAIL

I wanted to Vlog more——— FAIL! Etc etc

Let’s have some excuses shall we?

Hmm let me get back to you with some once I find any!

What have I done?

I have changed job so that’s taken a bit to get into. I went from being an acute ward nurse working shifts to being in a doctors practice working Monday - Friday. It’s been ace and I am loving it. I had focused on learning the role and didn’t let the usual dieting get in the way. 

I had a lovely holiday to Southampton to visit my daughter and son in law. Highlights were visiting monkey world and the titanic museum! I love anything titanic I admit. ( my daughter was born on the 14th April. Same day the titanic hit the iceberg though I good few years later I must add. 

I had another fabulous time going to London with my mother to celebrate my 50th birthday. It was so good. My mother in law booked us to go up The Shard for a cocktail. That and the river cruise to Greenwich was my highlights. 

I turned 50. I had a week long celebration! Visiting London. My daughter coming home for the week. An Apple Watch. A spa! Lots of cocktails and meals out. It was fabulous 

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to one of our pets. Always so sad when that happens. This one was the pet we have had for the longest so far. 17.5 year old cat. Stunning male cat called Monty. RIP  He won’t be the oldest ever as his auntie who we have is 18.5 and still going! 

So what’s the plan?

I have over the year dabbled with other diets. 

I returned to Slimming world for 1 week. 

I signed out to try Noom twice

Neither worked for me. They would of if I put the effort in I am sure. 

 I know deep down that the Fast800, 5/2 Diet, Keto, intermittent fasting works for me. 

I know that Christmas and all that seasonal excuses are coming but I want to make a bit of a difference to myself before that so….

Aiming 16-18hr fast daily

Monday -Friday less than 1200 calories a day

Aiming Mediterranean style/ keto diet on that 5 days

I will plan a weekly blog to keep myself updated and Instagram my meals. Doing this 2 things does and will keep me accountable. 

Anyway lovely to be back. Let’s hope I keep posting!

A Bang to remember!

A bang to remember! Tuesday 18th July. Nice enough day weather wise, I decided to go out onto my swing seat in the garden with my coffee. I ...