Wednesday, 4 January 2012

My before photo and half way photos

This is my before photo. It was taken in August 2010. One month before I started Zumba in the September and 5 months before I started Slimming World. This is me at my heaviest. I have just printed off 2. One to take into Slimming to go on the before and after board 
and one to remind me.

This one was taken at Christmas before I set off on one of my nights out
I can see the difference now a bit


  1. A bit? Especially in your face! You are an inspiration! wtg!

  2. I can see a big difference! Well done you!


A Bang to remember!

A bang to remember! Tuesday 18th July. Nice enough day weather wise, I decided to go out onto my swing seat in the garden with my coffee. I ...